David Neale

What are you thinking!!??"

David said he was trying to be energy conscious and environmentally friendly. (Likely story)

That's what the OPP said to me on the 401- "what are you thinking!!??"..... This story all started when I decided to try to conserve fuel when traveling to gigs. In my opinion it just made good sense to drive something a little easier on gas than my car. I told my wife that this was the plan and she just gave me that blank stare - you know the one. I talked her into taking my picture just in case it was the last time that she might see me. She agreed. Hey wait a minute, I see what she meant now!! Anyway, after the picture and some words with my wife, I headed down the road with "sousie" mounted on my shoulder (boy I'll tell you, you sure get the looks with that thing hanging out there in the breeze!)

Things are going fine as I motor up the hwy to the 401 (for those of you not familiar, the 401 is the largest and busiest 6 lane highway in Ontario). I'm thinking " this is great I have just saved myself money and I'm enjoying the ride at the same time (I can't ever get enough riding in). The 401 is looking busy as usual at 2pm on a Saturday. I ramp on and head east toward Toronto. I'm thinking that I'm just going to run with traffic, no quick trips today. Well, as usual traffic is cruising at about 120kmh (75mph). Usually, that's not a problem at all. However today, "sousie" is causing me some grief!! That horn is like a giant parachute open all the time! I'm finding that the 1200cc bike is roaring like never before and I'm actually having trouble keeping it in my lane. Well let me tell you, I've been riding a bike for a good many years but, this is just about too much for me to handle!! By now I'm not only getting the looks, but the occupants of the passing cars are yelling things at me and making obscene gestures!! Man, it's all I can do to keep it straight, don't make it worse by distracting me with gestures and nasty comments! - I think to myself.

Next are the trucks that are also sharing the road. You can only imagine how I felt and how the bike handled every time I got near a truck. Anyway, I kept going mainly because I had to be at the gig and I was too far to turn around! That's when it happened - the OPP cruiser came flying up behind me, lights flashing, and he's gesturing for me to pull over (might have been an obscene gesture). Oh no! I'm going to be late now! Well, I'm getting a little annoyed because I've been taking this abuse from all of these drivers, now this police officer is going to make me late - GREAT!!! He comes up to me and says" What are you thinking!!??" I said, "look officer, I'm sorry about the speed but I'm only running with traffic. Everybody is running the same speed, why did you single me out?" He says " Sir, I have never seen anyone ride a motorcycle carrying a tuba - what are you thinking??!!" My first response to his question was "officer, this ain't no tuba". He just shook his head and asked for my license and insurance. Great, we're wasting precious time here! Oh well, I guess the guys at the gig will understand. He comes back from the cruiser and tells me that I should probably be charged, but that there probably isn't anything that he can charge me with. "Have a safe trip" he says rather sarcastically and walks back to the cruiser shaking his head in disgust.

I'm on my way again, and I really have time to make up. I imagine that I won't be able to do it with this horn perched on my shoulder. Attempting to make a long story short, I got to the gig with about 5 minutes to spare. I was understandably tired and frazzled!
The ride home was not as bad, the only problem was the drive through at McDonald's afterwards - now that's another story......
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